Hymnal Resources
Blog Posts / Articles
A New Hymnal for a New Day (Good News Magazine)
The Value of Hymnals in the Life of Church Today
Why a "Hard Copy" Hymnal?
Where have those Hymnals Gone?
Study Reveals the Enduring Popularity of Traditional Hymnals
Hymn Digitization
The new Our Great Redeemer’s Praise Hymnal has been fully digitized and made available through our partners at DigitalSongsandHymns.com!
- Ideal for PowerPoint projection
- Notes included with lyrics to make singing as accessible as possible
- Teach new songs more quickly and more often
- Each powerpoint comes in 15 formats, so you can choose which format works best in your worship facility
- The Public Domain Collection of 494 songs is available – for a limited time – at more than a 66% discount
- Licensed songs can be purchased individually
Book Plate Templates
Can be downloaded, modified, and printed on Avery 5168 sticker pages to adhere to the inside cover of your hymnals.
Blank with Logo (Avery 5168)
In Honor of (Avery 5168)
In Memory of (Avery 5168)
Presented to (Avery 5168)
Blank with Cross (Avery 5168)
Church Support Files
Hymnal Slide (JPEG)
Hymnal Slide (PDF)
Hymnal Display Poster (PDF)
Hymnal Preview Poster (PDF)
Hymnal Bulletin Inserts (PDF)
Media Kit

Our Great Redeemer's Praise is now shipping. Make an order commitment to reserve your copies today!
Due to supply chain issues, frequency of reprints, and choices of color, quantities may be limited.